West End Community Centre
MON - 15/04/2024
09:30 to 11:30
2 week course
FREE to Lancashire Residents
Few Places Remaining
Register your interest
West End Community Centre
TUE - 14/05/2024
10:00 to 12:00
2 week course
FREE to Lancashire Residents
14 Places Remaining
MON - 20/05/2024
10:00 to 12:00
1 week course
FREE to Lancashire Residents
12 Places Remaining
Course Overview

This session introduces a group exercise programme that is suitable for all levels of fitness with exercises that may be adapted to cater for individual needs. It will be chair based and the exercises are aimed at developing posture, balance, strength and mobility. This session will also help develop the confidence of the learners when performing daily activities and recreational tasks. Alongside the practical elements, we will introduce the Department of Health (2011) Start Active, Stay Active ethos to learners and will reinforce the physical activity guidelines for Adults (65+ years) where applicable. There will be learning discussions and activities to develop understanding of exercise benefits and to improve wider skills such as communication and group work.

What will I learn?

1. Identify the key Health and Safety issues related to Gentle Exercise
2. Follow simple step-by-step instructions to carry out a range of exercises to improve mobility, strength and flexibility
3. Reflect on the benefits from carrying out chair based exercises on a regular basis
4. Create an exercise plan to enable you to carry out exercises at home
5. Identify appropriate progression onto further learning opportunities

How will the course be assessed?

You will learn in a variety of ways:
• Active listening and discussion
• Paired and group tasks
• Participation in practical exercises
• Personal reflection and action planning

Materials and other information

Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear for exercise and bring a bottle of water. Physical Activity questionnaires can be completed in advance of the course or on the day.

The Additional Learning Support Team work across college supporting students with a variety of learning needs in different ways. Support can be requested at enrolment or at any point throughout your course. For more information telephone 0333 0031717 or email als@lal.ac.uk

Progression and Careers

• Your teacher will use a range of activities to review your knowledge on the subject and identify any gaps and additional information required
• You will also receive verbal and written feedback from the teacher during the session
• The Individual Learning Mat includes an opportunity for you to assess your knowledge at the start of the session and again at the end against the content. This allows you to identify how much you have learnt and where you might need to do further study or research.
• You will also be supported to set an individual target for the course based on your personal goals and aspirations.