Introduction to Web Design
Mode: Online
Venue: Online
Start Date: 14th October
Day: Wednesday
Time: 6pm - 9pm
Duration: 2 weeks
Cost: FREE
Introduction to Web Design
Venue: Online
Start Date: 7th December
Day: Monday
Time: 1pm - 4pm
Duration: 2 weeks
Cost: FREE
Course Overview

Whether you want a website for personal or business use, this course will guide you through the steps to create a site that you can be proud of. You will explore which are the best ‘domain hosts’, how to register a domain name and start to learn skills to make your web pages stand out. The course will develop your ability to deal with the with the digital economy.

What will I learn?

At the end of the course you will be able to:

1. Identify a suitable domain and website to purchase from
2. Create a free website
3. Explain what SEO is
4. Set up and use a Paypal account
5. Set yourself a budget

The course will involve group discussions, paired work and individual tasks to explore a variety of aspects of website design. There will be handouts and activities for participants to complete with teacher guidance and feedback. The main time will be spent on computers/laptops in practical sessions which will look at creating a basic website.

You will also have the opportunity to access our Virtual Learning Environment – Moodle. Here there are resources you can access on course, at home and after the course finishes.

How will the course be assessed?

An Initial Assessment activity at the start of the course will enable your teacher to assess your starting point. In every class we acknowledge and accommodate for different levels of skill and experience, so students will be encouraged to identify and work on own areas for improvement. You will have an individual learning plan where you will with your teacher set individual targets you wish to meet. Throughout the course you will have opportunities to discuss your progress with your teacher. Throughout the course you will be given feedback both verbally and written, on work produced.

Materials and other information

There are no further costs involved on this course. However, you may want to purchase a web address to create your own website. Pens and paper would be recommended for the purpose of note taking although handouts and online activities will be made available.


You may also want to access our free Functional Skills courses on ICT, English and Maths.


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